Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Coconut Chicken (Whole 30 Day 8)

Meal 1:
2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, scrambled with onion, spinach, and garlic powder PLUS
Ultra Green Smoothie (made with kale today; I think I prefer spinach!)

Meal 2:
2 chicken and turkey sausages, frozen grapes

Meal 3:

Coconut chicken and sautéed kale

Peach, larabar

I got this Coconut chicken recipe from the Paleo Plan and it is PHENOMENAL. It doesn't have an ultra strong coconut taste (although I used 1/4 cup almond flour and 1/4 cup coconut flour instead of all almond flour because I am coconut-obsessed) but it provides a great "breading" so they taste just like chicken nuggets! YUM. The kale I just sautéed in a skillet with a little Olive Oil and pepper. These leftovers will be perfect over a salad tomorrow! 

I missed out on CrossFit last night due to working an event so I was happy to get back in there today! Lots of legs!

5 Rounds
5 squat snatches
15 wall balls
12 Minute Time limit

I used 53 pound barbell and 14 pound medicine ball and finished in 10:25! 

Already nervous about tomorrows WOD.....

So 8 days into this 30 Day Challenge. Honestly I go back and forth with how I feel. Somedays I feel great and other days I feel tired, bloated and sluggish. I think part of this reason has been my reliance on fruit. I have been having fruit at almost every meal and snack which is not advised and also causes me to not eat as many veggies. My new goal is MORE VEGGIES LESS FRUIT. I bought lots of peppers, eggplant, asparagus, and onions tonight and zero fruit, I think this will definitely improve how I am feeling and get me off needing sugar (even if it is natural!). 

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