On the bright side my 48 hour headache finally subsided! Yay Friday!
Meal 1:
Baked Eggvocado
Meal 2:
Apple, almond butter, dried banana slices, salami
(no need to comment on my complete randomness. I'm aware)
Meal 3:
Beef jerky, baby zucchini
Wasn't too hungry today hence the random lunch. I need to cut back on my fruit intake. Wah I like fruit.
Daily WOD:
AMRAP 8 minutes
5 shoulder to overhead
10 pullups
15 air squats
Finished 5 + 5 using 63lbs and modified pullups with band (my life goal is to someday get my pullups. the horizon is not looking great)
Have a fab weekend lovelies!
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