Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Whole 30 Day 28

Another long and kitchen-less day. Super boring on the food front and after work all I wanted was a hot meal. Enter Chipotle. It will never compare to Moes but it tasted pretty darn amazing. Although it still annoys me that they charge almost $2 extra just for guacamole. I could get two entire avocados for that much!

Sorry no pictures today.

Meal 1:
Hard boiled egg, fruit, green smoothie, bacon (made in the microwave, sad but delicious)

Trail mix (banana chips, raisins, almonds)

Meal 2:
Another amazing salad: spinach, chicken, tomatos, onions, red peppers, & lime juice

Chocolate Coconut Larabar (not my recommended flavor, coconut cream is still my favorite)

Meal 3:
Chipotle! Burrito bowl with pork, extra veggies, lettuce, salsa, and GUAC! Noms.

My workout for the day was...Shopping. Which totally counts.

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