Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Paleo "Pie" (Whole 30 Day 27)

So last week my brother mentioned our sink being out of use for a few days due to some housework that was being done. OK. I can deal without a sink, a little awkward and annoying but do-able.

Then I walked home and found this...

Umm I'm sorry.. WHAT??!!! Our entire kitchen looks like it's in some creepy horror film (complete with some crazy fan making funny noises). This crazy contraption completely blocks all of our cabinets, sink, and stove. So needless to say this week food-wise has been a little crazy as I have very few options. 

Meal 1:
(before the kitchen desolation) 2 fried eggs, bacon and avocado

2 plums, "trail mix" (banana chips, almonds and raisins)

Meal 2:
PHENOM Salad: spinach, tomato, red pepper, green onion, avocado, seasoned chicken with lime juice dressing, side of cherries.

Beautiful isn't it?

Meal 3:
Ants on a log, banana chips, and KIT berry bar

After this much nutritious and super grown up dinner I decided to throw together a little dessert idea I found on Carrots n Cakes. I know, dessert isn't allowed on Whole30, but this doesn't count in my books.

I present what I like to call PALEO PIE.

I don't know how appetizing that looks but let me tell you it is GOOD. If you are anything like me your favorite dessert is warm fruit cobbler topped with ice cold vanilla ice cream. Mmmmm. It just tastes like summer. 

Now I didn't have the ice cream (but believe me post Whole30 I will) but even without, this tasted like I was straight up eating cobbler! The best part is it's another super simple recipe!!

Paleo "Pie"

Handful/Cup/Entire bag of frozen or fresh fruit (I've found frozen works a little better)
1 spoonful/tablespoon/scoop of Almond Butter

Place both in microwavable bowl/mug , no need to mix, place in the microwave for 60-90 seconds and enjoy!! I don't know how but something magical happens in those 60 seconds. The fruit melts, the almond butter disappears, and the flavors all meld together for a seriously dangerous awesome paleo treat. 

Of course this could be manipulated with any kind of fruit or nut butter and probably produce an equally amazing outcome. My first time was with a raspberry, blueberry blackberry mix but since then I have also tried just strawberry's (PB&J anyone?) and had a friend who experimented with peaches! The possibilities are endless!

So before I dove straight first into my jar of Almond Butter I actually did work out today. Squats on squats on squats. 

If my kitchen hadn't been out of commission I may never have tried paleo pie. Positive side?

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