Monday, August 13, 2012

Creamy Coconut Cashew Butter (Whole 30 Day 13)

If you know me at all you know I will try to add coconut to practically everything. Coconut oil, coconut butter, coconut extract, coconut flakes, coconut milk... oh my! The possibilites are literally endless.

So I've had this bag of cashews for quite some time. I don't know why but I'm just not big on eating raw cashews by themselves. Since my almond butter is coming to an end I thought I would kill two birds with one stone and make my own cashew butter! With coconut of course.

I have made both almond and cashew butter before but if you are a beginner "nut butter maker" I advise starting with cashew. It is SO much easier.

Creamy Coconut Cashew Butter

1 cup raw cashews
1 tsp vanilla
2 tsp coconut oil
1/4 cup shredded unsweetened coconut

*All measurings are estimates. Feel free to adjust depending on taste!

1. Throw your cashews into you VitaMix or food processor. Whir away!
    This step may take up to 10 minutes so be patient! First it will look like this...

Then like this...

By now it's looking pretty creamy but keep going! Feel free to go about your day as this is happening...

When it has acquired your desired creaminess add the oil, vanilla, and coconut and keep blending for about another minute. 

Spoon out. Lick the spoon (optional). Enjoy!

Great with fruit, paleo pancakes, or just by itself!

Day 13 Recap
Meal 1: 2 sweet potato muffins topped with ghee
Meal 2: apple with coconut cashew butter, mango kombucha

3 rounds:
1 minute front squats @ 53
1 minute pushups
1 minute jumping lunges
1 minute rest


  1. That butter looks amaze! Could you post the recipe for your green smoothie? I'm sure you have posted it before but I looked and couldn't find it. But I didn't really look that hard. Anyways, much appreciation if you could share!

    1. Here it is!

      Thanks for reading!
