Thursday, August 2, 2012

Whole 30 Day 2

Still have my headache. Hoping this side effect goes away soon! But other than that I feel great! Actually not too hungry, no cravings, and I had enough energy to get back to CrossFit!

I did learn a valuable lesson (well one I already knew but I chose to forgot).


I had yet to make it to the grocery store so as I was packing my lunch there wasn't too much selection. I grabbed some cashews, fruit and meat and figured I would be fine. I would have been except once I got to work I was assigned to drop off some items around town which ended up being a tour of the entire southern Californian region. 4 hours and multiple turn-arounds later I was STARVING. I hadn't eaten since breakfast and the only snack I had grabbed for the road was cashews which just weren't cutting it.. Then like a paleo angel was watching over me I sighted...

TRADER JOES!! I literally swerved on the road (oops) to pull over and head in there. This place is like my playground. I stayed away from all the delicious samples and headed straight for produce. I got some adorable baby zucchini (anything mini-sized is automatically adorable), beef jerky, a banana and a big 'ol jar of Almond Butter since I had realized this morning that the AB I had at home had sugar in it! Sneaky sneaky MaraNatha!

Despite my headache I knew I needed to get back into my box and todays WOD was a doozy!

I present "Running Annie"

Run 400m after each set

Finished in 23 minutes! I did have to modify though. Double-Unders are my nemesis. I get them. Then I lose them. Over and over. Today I did not have them so I opted for singles to keep my heart rate up so my sequence was 150-120-90-60-30 singles in place of DU's.

Rest of my night included a grocery store trip, making a yummy dinner and enjoying the Olympics!


Meal 1:
Baked Eggvocados (see previous post here)

Meal 2:
Beef jerky, raw baby zucchini, banana with raw almond butter

Meal 3:
Ground beef with sautéed onions and garlic, sweet potato fries

Cashews, apple, salami, grapes

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