Friday, August 10, 2012

Sweet & Salty Coconut Chips (Whole 30 Day 10)

Today. Was. Hard. I don't know if it was my lack of sleep, my annoyance with not being able to drink at the Toby Keith concert last night, or all my Whole30-ness catching up to me but I was a whiney brat all day long. I wanted anything and everything that WASN'T paleo and was so not happy that I couldn't have any of it. It's probably a good thing I had the day off work and spent it on the couch so no one actually had to deal with my crankiness.

Luckily with help of my lovely twitter friends who encouraged me to keep going I didn't give in and made it through the day without any slip-ups. And thanks to them I am sitting here feeling MUCH better than I would be feeling if I would have given in and binged like I have so many times before Whole30. Each day I get stronger right? Dang I hope so.

Meal 1:
Ultra Green Smoothie

Meal 2:
Bacon, eggs and avocado

Matcha green tea and citrus kombucha.
Trying to cleanse much? These are both magical, magical drinks and a little birdie told me you can actually order CASES of Kombucha at Whole Foods??? Happening.

Meal 3:
Sautéed kale and asparagus with coconut chicken


Snacks/my attempt to get through my cravings (SUCCESS):
Apple with almond butter
Coconut chips

Recipe time! Ok I can't even really call this a recipe because it's THAT easy.

Coconut "Chips"
1 cup coconut flakes (unsweetened)
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp cinnamon

Toast your coconut flakes in a skillet for about 2-3 minutes until they are brown and toasty. Sprinkle with salt and cinnamon and BOOM. You now have the perfect sweet/salty/crunchy snack. SO FREAKING GOOD. I actually advise to make more less than the recipe calls because it is quite addictive. 

Here's to hoping the weekend isn't as hard on me as today was!

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