Sunday, September 16, 2012

Whole30 RECAP

I know this is LONG overdue but I am finally getting around to it. My last day of Whole30 went just as well as the previous 29. On my 31st day I hopped on a plane to Florida to see some of my best friends from college (and had a BLAST!). Since I got back from Florida 2 weeks ago I have been running around (literally) moving and busy at work and also without Internet! So here I am at a local coffee shop (right next to my new cozy apartment, I'm in love) finally getting back into my blogging groove.

So the Whole30.

I like lists so here is my lists of what I loved and what I didn't.

What I loved:
- by the end of the 30 days I did feel significantly better physically and emotionally
- knowing I had to be prepared forced me into a habit of batch cooking on the weekends which made it MUCH easier to make good decisions when a healthy meal was already ready for me at the end of a long day
- batch cooking meant I discovered and tried out many new recipes
- I lost 6 pounds
- I successfully completed by far the biggest health challenge of my life

What I didn't love:
- I am a strong believer in "everything in moderation". Although I eat a mostly paleo lifestyle the 20% of the time I don't is very important to my life. I love to bake and cook and having an all or nothing attitude doe not work well with my life.
- no alcohol. I need my wine.
- their persistence that you only need 3 meals a day. This doe not work for my lifestyle. Most days I eat breakfast at 6am and can't sit down to lunch until 3pm if I even have time to sit down. Snacking throughout the day is what works for me and as long as it is healthy choices I don't see anything wrong with that.
- No dairy. Dairy is not something that upsets my stomach so for me the occasional cheese and yogurt is acceptable.

Overall thoughts:
Am I glad I did it? YES. Will I ever do it again? Probably not.

It was a great accomplishment and it was a great reset button on my eating habits that had begun to spiral out of control. I will take what I learned and apply it to my life and I am proud that I can say I completed the whole30 and I really do recommend it as one of the healthiest "cleanses" out there. No gimmicks, no promises, just good, natural food.

So what's next?
Like I said I will continue some habits that formed over the month of August such as batch cooking, and adhering to a mostly paleo lifestyle but I won't be giving up my baking and treats anytime soon. As for my blog stay tuned for lots more recipes, fashion and lifestyle tips from ME :)

Thanks for following me on this journey and never hesitate to ask any questions!

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