Sunday, August 19, 2012

Mango Bliss Smoothie (Whole 30 Day 19)

Can you believe tomorrow marks the 2/3 mark of this journey? Somedays seem super slow but I really can't believe it is almost September! Can't see I am complaining though.

Meal 1:
Green Smoothie: coconut water, orange juice, strawberries, banana, spinach and ground flax

Meal 2:
2 slices frittata
(Made another one of these but this time added LOTS more veggies)

Apple with cashew butter and dark chocolate

Meal 3:
Summer Salad; changed this one up a bit as well today by adding some unsweetened coconut flakes and lemon juice. Told you I could add coconut to anything!)

I really have been living off smoothies lately. This 90 degree weather has not let up and I am beginning to regret my decision to move somewhere that claims they "don't need air conditioning"

In the mean time I have these delicious concoctions to keep me cool!
This recipe was adapted from a smoothie joint my friend frequents and I decided to try and recreate it! It turned out very well and will definitely make this in the future!

Mango Bliss Green Smoothie
1/2 cup pure coconut water
1/2 cup pure apple juice
1/2 frozen banana
1/2 cup frozen mango chunks
1 cup spinach
2-3 pieces of celery
A few ice cubes

Blend and enjoy! I recommend a wine glass because honestly everything just tastes better in them.

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